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24Source language24
Kineski pojednostavljeni 金融危机下对我国上市公司公允价值问题的探讨

金融风暴席卷全球,从美洲、欧洲到亚洲,无一不受到波及。事实证明,此次风暴来袭,首当其冲的就是金融资产,其市场价值应声而落,惨不忍睹。为此,各国政府积极应对,纷纷出台了一些应急办法,以减缓危机带来的金融资产帐面大幅缩水的局面。此前作为预防金融风险利器的公允价值会计准则,在此轮金融危机中却被指责为“雪上加霜”甚至“落井下石”的“帮凶”。面对 飞流直下的股价,上市公司苦不堪言,如果摆脱危机带来的麻烦,已成为上市公司面临的最艰难问题。下文分析和总结了金融危机对我国上市公司公允价值的影响,利用举例法来探讨上市公司应如何摆脱困境。
Well, this is a translation request of my friend, I don't know some of the words in the context, so ..

Completed translations
Engleski How is the Financial Crisis affecting China's Listed Companies?
13Source language13
Kineski pojednostavljeni 客户关系管理是提高企业核心竞争力的关键之一,传统客户关系管理模式无法满足广大中小企业的需求。在讨论新...
客户关系管理:Customer Relationship Management, 服务软件即服务:SaaS


Completed translations
Engleski SaaS model
13Source language13
Kineski pojednostavljeni ....大树可能无法一直跟着王子,王子有一天也将会找到自己的公主。可是无论什么时候,大树都可以让王子...
...大树和王子都是拟人的。大树喜欢王子。拜托了各位,将我的心意传达给王子。<(_ _)>

Completed translations
Engleski prince
103Project - Sentence Lists for Language Learning Source language103
Engleski 30 sentences
What's your name?
My name is Jan Kowalski.
How are you?
Fine, thanks.
Very well.
What's his name?
What's her name?
His name's Janusz Kowalski.
Her name's Marta.
Where are you from?
Where's he from?
Where's she from?
What's your job?
What's his job?
What's her job?
He's a doctor.
She's a teacher.
What's your phone number?
What's his phone number?
My phone number is 3217703.
What's your address?
What's her address?
How old are you?
How old is he?
How old is she?
I'm 20.
He's 50.
She's 18.
That's right.
That's wrong.
These sentences should not be translated literally, but the way a native speaker would express the same meaning. I would prefer that any names be replaced with common names from the target language, but it is not necessary.

Completed translations
Kineski pojednostavljeni 30个句子
Spanski ¿Cuál es su nombre?
Japanski 30質問
13Source language13
Japanski Pocztówka z Londynu
知らないけど これからもエバ
をよろしく! 山口瑶子
Jest to tekst z pocztówki, którą dostałem od swojej przyjaciółki z Londynu, nie mam pojęcia co jest tam napisane. Z góry dziękuje za pomoc:)

Completed translations
Engleski A letter from London
Poljski List z Londynu
13Source language13
Kineski pojednostavljeni 我们提供上乘、周到、惊喜的服务。

Completed translations
Engleski We offer excellent, hospitable and pleasantly surprising service.
12Source language12
Japanski あいつ、アホだ・・・
何事にも情熱がこもり過ぎてあつ苦しいと思うぐらい真剣な人が話し手に対して長ったらしい演説をし始め、意見を出したところ「私は君の意見に感動したために全体力を消耗した」と言い、「さらばだ! XXX君!」と放送禁止用語で話し手を呼び、はき捨てたかと思うとどこかへ立ち去ってしまった。 

-It's one of scene of a game-
A passionate person who was too passionate to me think warm very much talked to me(principal person person) for a long time like a machingun.
I found one moment to say my opinion,and said my thinking. He said "I'm very tried because i was very very impressed with your opinion."
And he said to me,"Goodbye,mr.xxxx!" and he went to someqhere.xxxx was so bad that i can't say.
I couldn't understand what happened to me,so i said this word...
"That guy is axxxxxe"....
"That guy is crazy..."

Completed translations
Engleski That guy is an idiot.
Portugalski brazilski Esse cara é um babaca!
12Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".12
Kineski pojednostavljeni 目前,电子游戏已经成为世界上最重要的娱乐方式,电子游戏产业对经济...

Completed translations
Engleski At present, the video game has become the most important way of entertainment .
12Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".12
Kineski pojednostavljeni 灵感来源

Completed translations
Engleski The source of my inspiration
20Source language20
Engleski in your opinion, to begin the birth preparation...
in your opinion, to begin the birth preparation course when you are about 4-5 months pregnant, it would be:

in your opinion, an obstetrical visit at home within the first seven days after hospital demission, as a continuation of after delivery and lactation counseling, would be:

would you have wanted to have further "after delivery" counseling meetings?
three sentences about birth preparation

Completed translations
Kineski pojednostavljeni 你认为在怀孕四五个月时就开始进行生产的准备将会
10Source language
Ovaj prijevod zahtijeva "samo znacenje".10
Japanski Kakusenu iradchi to Tachitsukusu ...
Kakusenu iradchi to Tachitsukusu jibun wo mitsu Mayoi nagra nayami nagra kuyami nagra Kimera ba ii sa.
Hello.. could someone help me in translating this text?

Completed translations
Engleski Anime Song Lyrics
10Source language10
Japanski 2004年1月には、多彩なミュージシャンとのコラボレーションを実現したアルバム 『Beyond』...
2004年1月には、多彩なミュージシャンとのコラボレーションを実現したアルバム 『Beyond』 、ライブ映像を収めたDVD 『AGATSUMA LIFE』 をリリース。2005年2月には、自身のルーツである古典曲をベースに生み出したオリジナル作品 『永遠の詩』 をリリース。同年1月には、EUツアーも敢行し大成功を収める。2006年8月、テーマを「エン(縁・宴・円・艶)」としたアルバム 『○-エン-』 をリリース。同アルバムは、“第21回日本ゴールドディスク大賞 純邦楽アルバム・オブ・ザ・イヤー”を受賞。
This is part of introduction from the Japanese artist agatsuma hiromitsu.I like him very much and want to introduce him to Chinese people,but I don't know how to translate this sentance:"自身のルーツである古典曲をベースに生み出したオリジナル作品 ".So,thanks~

Completed translations
Kineski pojednostavljeni 上妻宏光(agatsuma hiromitsu)
10Source language10
Engleski We are entitled to invoice interest on arrears...
Interest on arrears will be invoiced amounting to 4.5
percent points above the discount rate of the
Deutsche Bundesbank. We are entitled to invoice
interest on arrears amounting to 4,5 percent points
above the Frankfurt interbank rate (Fibor) upon
cancellation of the discount rate of the Deutsche
Bundesbank. The interest on arrears is to be
estimated at a higher or lower value, respectively, if
a higher interest lead is proved by us or a lower one
is proved by the customer.
i don't know how to express the meanings, thank you !

Completed translations
Kineski pojednostavljeni 我们有权对欠款的利息开发票....
10Source language10
Kineski pojednostavljeni 領導...

「矩陣式組織」(matrix organization)

Completed translations
Engleski leadership